What does AUGUST mean to you?

Will you continue to enjoy the beautiful summer days and nights? Since August is the hottest month of the year, will you take your #SaltLife to the next level? Ready to revamp your life and set some personal or professional goals?
* National Watermelon Day - August 3rd:)
* National Smile Week - August 5-11th
* Dog Days of Summer
* August is named after Augustus Caear - founder and emperor of the Roman Empire
* Originally had only 30 days - Discover why the additional day was added!
* Two birthstones: Peridot and Sardonyx
* Official flower is the Gladiolus - Vertical-growing flower:)
* People born in August fall under the sun zodiac signs of Leo and Virgo
* Dr. Martin Luther King famed "I Have A Dream" speech was given on August 28, 1963
To all the #SacredVessel in the Universe, have an AMAZING, PRODUCTIVE, and TRANSFORMATIVE month.
Much Love, Peace, and Light:)